- Title: Bonifacius Square and Castle in Fulda
- Description: Bonifacius Square and Castle, Fulda, Germany Original Title: bonifaciusplatz und schloss, fulda, deutschland Original Size: 80x130 mm - Approximately 3½x5 inches. Date Created/Published: 1939
- Owner: OP
- Views: 281
- ID: 8613
- Keywords: black&white, blanco negro, bonifacius, castle, deutschland, europe, foto, fotos, fulda, germany, monochrome, noir blanc, old, orbis, orbis pictus, photo, photography, photos, pictus, platz, print, reprint, schloss, schwarz-weiss, sepia, square, vintage
- Added: May 17, 2020
- Created: N/A
- Filename: 98400104.jpg
- Colors:
- Digital Downloads
- Prints
- Similar Media
- Date Created: 0000-00-00 00:00:00
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- Software: ACD Systems Digital Imaging
- Date/Time: 2019:09:15 21:54:15
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